Elastic Load Balancing with Sticky Sessions

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Before starting the post,i would like to explain about sticky session,
What is Session Affinity (Sticky Sessions)?
When you only have one application server talking to your clients life is easy:
all the session contexts can be stored in that application server’s memory for fast retrieval. But in the world of highly available and scalable applications there’s likely to be more than one application server fulfilling requests, behind a load balancer. The load balancer routes the first request to an application server, who stores the session context in its own memory and gives the client back a cookie. The next request from the same client will contain the cookie – and, if the same application server gets the request again, the application will rediscover the session context. But what happens if that client’s next request instead gets routed to a different application server? That application server will not have the session context in its memory – even though the request contains the cookie, the application can’t discover the context.

If you’re willing to modify your application you can overcome this problem. You can store the session context in a shared location, visible to all application servers: the database or memcached, for example. All application servers will then be able to lookup the cookie in the central, shared location and discover the context. Until now, this was the approach you needed to take in order to retain the session context behind an Elastic Load Balancer.

But not all applications can be modified in this way. And not all developers want to modify existing applications. Instead of modifying the application, you need the load balancer to route the same client to the same application server. Once the client’s request has been routed to the correct application server, that application server can lookup the session cookie in its own memory and recover the conversational context.

That’s what sticky sessions are:
the load balancer routing the same client to the same application server. And that’s why they’re so important: If the load balancer supports sticky sessions then you don’t need to modify your application to remember client session context.

"How to Use ELB with Sticky Sessions with Existing Applications

The key to managing ELB sticky sessions is the duration of the stickiness: how long the client should consistently be routed to the same back-end instance. Too short, and the session context will be lost, forcing the client to login again. Too long, and the load balancer will not be able to distribute requests equally across the application servers.

How to get all associated products to a configurable product in Magento

Saturday, August 18, 2012
Configurable product is the product which is created by some Associated product, If you have an configurable product and you want to get list of all associated product and it's attribute then, follow the below code:You must have your configurable product Id, My configurable product Id is 10
$proId=10; //Use your Configurable product Id
$_product = new Mage_Catalog_Model_Product();

How to change Admin URL Path?

I will show you, how you can change the admin url. Let’s say from ‘admin‘ to ‘administrater‘. So, the new admin URL will be http://www.magento.com/administrater/
Here is how we do it:-