Use any SMTP to send mail in Magento
I have made use of "Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp" class to make it possible.
Create a directory structure:
Create the following files:\code\local\Rajesh\MailTransport\etc\config.xml.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rewrite> <email_template>Rajesh_MailTransport_Model_Core_Email_Template</email_template>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rajesh_mail_transport module="core">
<label>Rajesh | MailTransport</label>
<comment>Overrides Magento's default email "send" method from within the Mage_Core_Model_Email_Template class. Allows you to use any email server that supports SMTP to send emails in place of built in email server on your web host.</comment>
<auth translate="label">
<label>Authentication method</label>
<comment>Use "login" for Gmail.</comment>
<ssl translate="label">
<label>SSL type</label>
<comment>Use "tls" for Gmail.</comment>
<smtphost translate="label">
<label>SMTP host</label>
<comment>Use "" for Gmail.</comment>
<username translate="label">
<password translate="label">
class Rajesh_MailTransport_Model_Core_Email_Template extends Mage_Core_Model_Email_Template {
const MODULE_SETTINGS_PATH = 'rajesh_mail_transport';
public function send($email, $name = null, array $variables = array()) {
if (!$this->isValidForSend()) {
Mage::logException(new Exception('This letter cannot be sent.')); // translation is intentionally omitted
return false;
if (is_null($name)) {
$name = substr($email, 0, strpos($email, '@'));
$variables['email'] = $email;
$variables['name'] = $name;
ini_set('SMTP', Mage::getStoreConfig('system/smtp/host'));
ini_set('smtp_port', Mage::getStoreConfig('system/smtp/port'));
$mail = $this->getMail();
$setReturnPath = Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_SENDING_SET_RETURN_PATH);
switch ($setReturnPath) {
case 1:
$returnPathEmail = $this->getSenderEmail();
case 2:
$returnPathEmail = Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_SENDING_RETURN_PATH_EMAIL);
$returnPathEmail = null;
if ($returnPathEmail !== null) {
if (is_array($email)) {
foreach ($email as $emailOne) {
$mail->addTo($emailOne, $name);
} else {
$mail->addTo($email, '=?utf-8?B?'.base64_encode($name).'?=');
$text = $this->getProcessedTemplate($variables, true);
if($this->isPlain()) {
} else {
$mail->setFrom($this->getSenderEmail(), $this->getSenderName());
try {
$systemStoreConfig = Mage::getStoreConfig('system');
$emailSmtpConf = array(
//'auth' => 'login',
'auth' => strtolower($systemStoreConfig[self::MODULE_SETTINGS_PATH]['auth']),
//'ssl' => 'tls',
'ssl' => strtolower($systemStoreConfig[self::MODULE_SETTINGS_PATH]['ssl']),
'username' => $systemStoreConfig[self::MODULE_SETTINGS_PATH]['username'],
'password' => $systemStoreConfig[self::MODULE_SETTINGS_PATH]['password']
$smtp = '';
if($systemStoreConfig[self::MODULE_SETTINGS_PATH]['smtphost']) {
$smtp = strtolower($systemStoreConfig[self::MODULE_SETTINGS_PATH]['smtphost']);
$transport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp($smtp, $emailSmtpConf);
$this->_mail = null;
catch (Exception $ex) {
//Zend_Debug::dump($ex->getMessage()); exit;
try {
$mail->send(); /* Try regular email send if the one with $transport fails */
$this->_mail = null;
catch (Exception $ex) {
$this->_mail = null;
//Zend_Debug::dump($ex->getMessage()); exit;
return false;
return false;
return true;
Thank you so much, it could really help me, ill make a try and comment it out.
Thanks for your feedback demian...Please feel free to ask me, if you face any problem while trying it....
I m using Magento ver.
did not worked for me.
Can you pl give me some fix?
@parmveer: It is working in every version.Might be you are doing some mistake somewhere.Please add me on gmail that i can help you.(
Hi Rajthegr8,
I created all files and places them accordingly, but I cannot find the options in the backend. Is there something else that needs to be done ? I'm running
@werner:Might be you have not created the file to activate the extended module.
Please create a file : app/etc/modules/Rajesh_Mailtransport.xml
It contains code:
<Mage_Core />
Hi rajthegr8
Thanks for your work, but i have trouble on magento Our store email can receive email but the order email can't send to customer email, have you already face the same problem. Look forward your solutions or guide for trouble shooting.
Hello Gary,
I did not face this problem.I can help you.You can contact me at any of the contact details given in page:
Thanks for this post. I'm not quite in the code though. Can I download this extension and will it work for Gmail?
If not, please suggest will this one work
Thanks in advance!
I am getting this is my system log
Warning: Illegal offset type in /var/www/html/just/lib/Zend/Mail.php on line 574
and it is not working.
Any suggestions
I am also getting also getting an illegal offset exception.
exception 'Exception' with message 'Warning: Illegal offset type in /vagrant/httpdocs/lib/Zend/Mail.php on line 574' in /vagrant/httpdocs/app/code/core/Mage/Core/functions.php:245
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