How to show Category List in Magento

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
You can show all categories present in magento.
There are different methods to get the category list. Below are some possible methods:-
Get all categories
The following code will fetch all categories (both active and inactive) that are present in your Magento Shop.
$categories = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')

Get all active categories:
The following code will fetch all active categories that are present in your Magento Shop. Thus filtering the inactive categories.

$categories = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')

Get active categories of any particular level:
The following code will fetch all active categories of certain/specific level. Here, I have chosen level 1. Also sorting categories by name.

$categories = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')

Get store specific categories:
The following code will fetch all active store specific categories. The following helper function does so:-

getStoreCategories($sorted=false, $asCollection=false, $toLoad=true)
$helper = Mage::helper('catalog/category');
// sorted by name, fetched as collection
$categoriesCollection = $helper->getStoreCategories('name', true, false);
// sorted by name, fetched as array
$categoriesArray = $helper->getStoreCategories('name', false, false);


  1. Unknown said...:


    It is working after clear the cache.
    Thank you very much.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    Default Description, Magento.

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